I am pleased to inform you that your Green Revelation proposal has been accepted by the US Green Building Council for inclusion in the Greenbuild 2011 Tours Program.
Your home will be featured with 2 other high performance residential infill homes. The tour description is below:
Building High Performance Infill Retrofit Homes
There are approximately 7,000,000 existing homes in Canada, many of which do not meet today’s building code standards for energy efficiency. As utility rates rise, there is a greater focus on sustainable renovations and remodelling of our existing houses to significantly reduce the country’s GHG emissions. This tour focuses on three designers and builders who have demonstrated their commitment to sustainability by renovating their own homes as a model for others. Visit two homes that use the Passive House concept and one targeting LEED Silver. See sustainable features such as grey water and rain water harvesting, a PAUL heat recovery system, and a green roof.
The half-day tour is scheduled for Friday, October 7 and participants will leave the Metro